WellnessWay4U Ecosystem

.... TO work your way to being more Productive, Healthier, Happier and Energetic

This ecosystem in Visuals - Images, Video of Process, Features, Navigation, Flow.

Life-Work-family Social Balance , Supercharge Life Hub , Single Page Bird's View , Walkthrough Video , Benefits and Advantages-360 deg

What is Unique about WellnessWay4U Online Platform?

  1. Fundamentals-Core Focus: Providing a Framework-system for a *****360 deg proactive approach in Simple steps for Tracking and managing daily issues, situations, activities by Individual for all-round wellbeing as -
    • Daily Issues result in lot of emotional build-up, stress and strain which negatively affects Individual's physical and emotional health, productivity, peace and happiness. The extent of impact depends on how we receive, process and respond to situations due to multiple pressures of current hectic Lifestyle demands.
    • 80% of what we adapt and improve is from analysing our daily EXPERIENCES.
    • NEED Private Space to Reflect, express, refocus and track in a judgment-free zone, no uploads of personal files, no prying eyes.
  2. *****360 deg proactive approach : In Simple steps, seamlessly interlinking Emotions (our 24x7 shadow), Positive Response and coping mechanism, Food, Activities, Sleep, hobbies, sports, ... to auto generate a wider Individual specific CANVAS to better understand the co-relation and impact of these non-medical factors for Individual -
    • To regularly address these issues in proactive and positive manner to shift from automatic responses to a more thoughtful (mindfulness) response leading to lower stress, anger, enhance productivity, and lead happier lives.
    • To interweave other wellbeing drivers such as Gratitude with reciprocation, Ones' dreams, Goals, Challenges as part of daily/weekly routine.
    • To Better manage the core non-medical factors (Sleep, emotions, anxiety, stress, anger, activity, food, .....) as 65% of all ill-health can be controlled/overcome in simple steps before it becomes chronic.
    • To Identify the Chain-links of small social, psychological, and behavioral factors/doables that influences our bodily process, happiness, productivity, personality development, progress.
    • To Harness one's strengths, hidden potential, understand their Issues better and best possible ways to handle it in simple steps.
    • To have Private Space: Easy dropdown options to Reflect, express, refocus and track in a judgment-free zone, no uploads of personal files, no prying eyes.
  3. Tools, Resources to simplify, systemise and speedup steps, easy to use, Individual Data reliability -
    • By Date validation (Current Date, Day before) for Individual's daily issues-situation, activity, food. Hence data posted is expected to be more reliable and largely in realtime.
    • By Data dropdown for selection from Issue specific Preloaded indications, interpretations in customised input forms and related resources to ensure uniformity in inputs by Individual as well as their Wellbeing Professionals such as Psychologists, coach, Counselors etc. This helps to simplify, systemise and speedup steps for consultation, coaching, guidance, tracking, monitoring for plan/programs/therapy by Individual and their Wellness Service Providers.
    • By Multiple parameters-patterns-Analysis options for micro view of physical, emotional and social aspects of Individual's Life.
  4. NO recommendations for any Hospitals, Wellbeing Professionals or any Wellness Products and Services to avoid confusion due to multiple expert opinions. Instead PROVIDE *****Framework, tools and resources for individuals and their Guide/Coach/Service Providers to simplify, systemise and speedup steps for consultation, coaching, guidance, tracking, monitoring for plan/programs/therapy for personalised efficacy solutions and accountability
  5. Based on real time feedback from Non-invasive, One minute palm scans carried out on unique German CE Wellness Device. News reviews by Times of India, Express Healthcare, NDTV etc. It is validated by vast research on healthy living, our ancient healing sciences and modern Medicine Research.
  6. Rewards for Individual Consistency to celebrate Your Success at own achievement levels in nurturing positive lifestyle changes.

How is WellnessWay4U an all-round wellbeing companion and guide?

WW4U online system provides tools and resources to seamlessly integerate key Wellbeing Drivers associated with human response system - Awareness, Engagement, Empowerment, Accountability and Motivation (*****AEEAM System) to help Individual to design and work their all round well-being roadmap specially emotional wellness in simple steps.

Awareness enhanced based on Individual realtime inputs - LISTENING to body's cries / warnings + Speaking to yourself about your own Lifestyle for just 10 minutes daily @

Empower better based on Individual realtime inputs, thoughts and analysis @

  • My Canvas (positive handling possibilities, thoughtful and confident Responses through simple doables instead of Reactions/Complaints),
  • My Life Patterns (patterns generated from your inputs for better and more individual centric solutions - better overview of factors influencing Individual's wellbeing)
  • Realtime, Anytime Tracker (To Do List, Reminders ....)

Individual Engagement support system and channels @

Accountability (Both from Individual as well as their Guide/Coach) @

Individual Motivation @

  • Rewards on Individual achievement levels based on their consistency of - reviewing, modification, accountability.

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LINKS - Features, Navigation, Flow of this ecosystem.

Images, Video :

Life-Work-family Social Balance , Supercharge Life Hub , Single Page Bird's View , Walkthrough Video , Benefits and Advantages-360 deg

For Individuals :

An All-round wellbeing companion and guide, My Wellbeing Keys

{TO recap and handle better multiple factors faced that affect-influence all-round wellbeing/Life, happiness, productivity, personality development, progress, healing, rejuvenation}

For Wellbeing Advisors / Service Providers :

Versatile support system

{FOR Regular review & consultation mechanism through ONLINE Consultation Forum to track the progress of Wellness Programs, Therapies, Coaching, Counselling etc. over the duration of the program at the beginning, midway (multiple number of times) & end of the same. A versatile framework that can connect healing sciences, therapies, possibly wearable devices (pairing-connecting the dots) that can be expanded to DELIVER a connected end to end system.}

Interlink to Offline Tools, Services and Resources :

Devices such as Fitness Tracker, Biofeedback One minute Non Invasive Scan, Wellbeing Services such as Events, Workshops, Games, Contests

{FOR Individual centric, systematic, effective wellbeing solutions by scientific co-relation to INDIVIDUAL specific non medical Patterns. A versatile framework that can connect healing sciences, therapies, possibly wearable devices (pairing-connecting the dots) that can be expanded to DELIVER a connected end to end system.}

An uncluttered, relevant and Powerful medium :

{FOR Marketing Promotion, Branding, POS specially for Nutraceuticals, Food Supplements, Sports and Fitness Equipments etc. BOOST it further with- ONLINE Consultation Forum providing Regular review, consultation mechanism to track the progress of Wellness Programs, Therapies, Coaching, Counselling etc}

Validation References - Our lnspiration

Deloitte-Bloomberg-Forbes Articles , ALL ROUND Benefits of Personal DIARY

Wellness made engaging, fun and rewarding

We are NOT a medical service or suicide prevention helpline.

We only provide online framework for positive response & coping mechanism, **360 deg holistic approach including a text consultation platform for continous daily interaction with your practitioners. Awareness, Engagement, Empowerment, Accountability & Motivation are the Five Keys this ecosystem.

JUST 10 minutes daily - 6/7 simple steps to make you confident, reduce Stress, Anger, spread Joy.

If you are feeling suicidal or depressed, we suggest that you immediately call up your concerned practitioner or a suicide prevention helpline such as Vandrevala Foundation- 1860 266 2345, Aasra- +91 22 2754 6669 , MPowerMinds - 1800-120-820050

My Support System - Review, Monitor, Guidance
Initiative by CW
On Well-being
Wellness is an organised set of Activities to help Individuals make changes or maintain habits that help reduce their health Risks,& reduce Medical Costs as well as enhance their capabiliti es. Wellness is more than Diet, Weight & Exercises & must include the critical Emotional Parameters of our Daily Routine + current physical state + current emotional state. Wellness to be effective has to be a continuous process which is possible only through quality guidance & personalised solutions.