Today ANGER has become an inevitable part of one's life due to the fast moving lifestyle, higher expectations, wider relationship issues, misuse/overuse of technology.
Research overwhelmingly indicates that feeling low level Anger increases optimism, creativity, effective performance, more successful negotiations, in life or on the job. In fact, supressing anger can actually hurt you.
For good interpersonal relations, healthy and happy living, the Simple Mantra-Solution is to CONTROL Anger before it controls YOU. Balance your Anger in simple steps.
START with Any Step - Just Few minutes, few QUICK Selection from appropriate Data dropdowns
HERE Understand Issues that made/make you Angry with your view of Why, Ifs, Buts (possible factors). View possible ways/steps of controlling it.
HERE, EXPRESS What frustrates you and when. THINK possible ways to reduce frustrations and anxiety issues.
HERE, Recap your happiness moments. Enhance it with small doables to express your gratitude.
HERE, Better manage your TIME and Activities, to have your ME-Time for family, friends, hobbies and things you are most passionate about.
A versatile wellbeing companion and guide for Individuals as well as support tool for Wellbeing Experts / Service Providers -
FREE tools and resources to help Manage One's ANGER, daily Issues, Stress, Sleep, Activities in proactive, positive steps with 360 deg scientific approach.